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2-1/2 months and my eyes are still blue.
Sunday, May 13, 9:00 am
Sitting Up is my favorite thing to do.
But I still need a little help to get there.
Sunday, May 13, 10:00 am
I am discovering that I can hold things. And these
are my keys which I never leave home without!
Sunday, May 13, 12:00 pm
My first Mother's Day with my Mom and Dad.
We drove up the coast to Gloucester and Marblehead
and stopped at a really cool granite quarry.
Saturday, May 12, 3:00 pm
a big red fire engine caught my eye
in Beverly Masachusetts . . . so my mom and dad
stopped to let me pose with the fireman.
Saturday, May 12, 3:00 pm
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