This page is where Mommy and Daddy record all of my first milestones. They also record them inside my baby book (pictured left)

I know I haven't done too much yet, but check back soon to see my progress. Learn more about me or visit my photo gallery.
First feeding: Day 1 - March 9 (4:45 pm) - 2 ounces
Intensly focused/follows images: Day 6 - March 14 (Big Panda Book)
Swat bottle away: Day 8 - March 16
First Bath: Day 13 - March 21 (see photo)
Slept through the night:
Rolled  to Side: Day 23 - Saturday March 31
Rolled Over:
Smiled: Day 22 - Friday March 30 (see photo)
Sat up alone:
Played Peek-a-boo:
Clapped hands:
Held bottle:
Ate solid food:
Sat in a high chair:
Waved bye-bye:
Sang a song:
Stood alone:
Held a cup:
Held a spoon:

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